The main objective of the National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management (NIHWM) is to provide services in the field of hydrology and water resources management, to support activities and decisions related to the efficient management of water resources, both in situations of special hydrological events (floods, droughts), as well as in normal situations, by the decision-makers in the field: the National Administration “Romanian Waters” and the Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests. These are research activities and public operational services of national and international interest for:
Protection of the population and material goods
Improving the quality of life
Environment protection.
At the same time, the National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management is responsible for achieving the objectives of research and development of hydrology, hydrogeology and water management at the national level, for the implementation of international programs and agreements in which it is involved (WMO, PHI-UNESCO, MAB -UNESCO, EU, etc.), exchange of data, information and hydrological forecasts, implementation of hydrological products in the activity of water management, and protection of life and property in case of dangerous hydrological phenomena (floods, droughts, frost, etc.) , establishment and updating of the National Hydrological and Hydrogeological Data Fund.